Opinion essay requires you to write your opinion, thoughts or viewpoint on the prescribed topic. It presents your agreement or disagreement on any statement, phrase or entire content along with examples and illustrations provided. One thing to keep in mind is that, despite of being an opinion-based piece of writing, this type of essay is a formally presented write-up, and the writer is required to stay within the professional and formal frame.
Here we have compiled a quick way to write an opinion custom essay, along with some essay topics.
How to Write an Opinion Essay?
While you start writing off your opinion essay, there are 3 parts it should be divided into:
- Introduction: That shows the initial arguments that you start-off with,
- Main body: That adds on to the introduction you have opened, and presented supportive examples or arguments, and
- Conclusion: That reframes the opinion you had been trying to make since the beginning, in clear set of sentences to deliver the message
Success Tips while writing opinion essays
Here, we have listed some tips compiled by some best custom essay writing services:
- Make your mind before starting to write about the point you would support. Your essay should not look hanging between decisions, and shouldn't convey to the writers that you have presented thoughts about both the side of arguments without really supporting either of them. Sound strong, as this is an opinion essay and you have the flexibility to stand with your point.
- Use phrases like 'I believe', 'I think', 'in my opinion', 'as per me', or 'I am positive about', and so on.
- Opinion essay should clearly be demarked from a descriptive or a compare and contrast essay, because, at times while writing an opinion essay the writers make long phrases describing the universal beliefs about the point. It is 'your' opinion essay, and it should revolve around your custom essay. But, if you are supporting a universal opinion, state it with examples and merge it with your opinion.
List of opinion essay topics by best custom essay writing service
- Despite of having a rough idea about writing an opinion essay, you might be wondering about any probable opinion essay topics that you could start-off with. To extend help to the new writers of opinion essays, we have put together a list of easy-to-write essay topics.
- Job selection on the basis of academic profile Vs prior job experience, which one stands better in your opinion?
- In your opinion, is it right to start experimenting on medically unfit human beings to avoid experimenting on animals?
- What is your opinion about any probable measures to reduce the often-found bankruptcy in the cases of home-loans in U.S.?
- What in your opinion should be done to reduce the road accidents through drunken-driving?
- Monday blues? What in your opinion causes this?
- Following religious scholars, is it justified or unjustified in your opinion?
- Making homosexual marriages legal is right as per you or not?
- TV serials influence people. Provide supportive examples to support or refute your argument.
- If you are allowed to change one thing about your parents, what would you change and why?
- Are the parents best teachers? Yes, or no, and why?
- TV and gaming has destroyed the networking skill among people. Support your opinion with illustrations.
- Why do people keep pet animals? What do you think?
- What as per you makes someone wise?
- Who as per you should be called the best musician in the world history? And why?
- Is physical punishment required to put discipline in children?
- Are teenagers being morally weaker nowadays? What do you believe to be the reasons?
- Is the regular fast-food being reason for the obesity of people in US and UK?
- Is dating for years good enough reason for getting married?
- Sex education is making school children grow mature faster than expected. What's your opinion about the validity of this statement?
- Plastic surgeries and operative medical-treatments are safer than suffering medically. Do you agree? Yes/no, why?
- What in your opinion differentiates Abraham Lincoln as a leader from Adolf Hitler?
- Is being protective in parenting helping children? Support your argument with reasons.
- Does home-schooling create smarter children?
- Is studying and working both at the same time helping students maintain a healthy academics and profession?
- Is it right from the parents' part to expose their children to harsh circumstances in order to make them learn odd things?
- What as per you is a better use of your money? Buying a jewel or an electronic gadget?
- According to you, is it good from the children's part to be good at technology at the early stage of life?
- What skills do you believe are missing in the educational curriculum which you think stand among most important ones?
- Sportspeople are bad at arts, and vice versa. Do you agree?
- Is it good to reward people for their achievements? What makes you form the opinion you support?